What animal or insect do you wish humans could eradicate?

4 min readApr 30, 2022

What makes mosquitoes special as a destructive enemy to mankind?

The mosquito is an almost all inclusive creature. We have 110 trillion across practically the entirety of the planet, and we’ve had them for north of 100 million years. So the mosquito is worldwide, while different bugs have their biological specialties to a great extent all over the planet.

Interestingly, the mosquito sends or vectors undeniably a larger number of infections than different bugs. So for instance, you have the professional killer, or kissing bug [a tropical bloodsucking bug that communicates parasites like the one that causes Chagas disease], yet that is only one, while mosquitoes have parasites like jungle fever and various infections and worms. So there’s such a huge number of infections that various types of the mosquito communicate contrasted with different bugs.

How have mosquitoes been so versatile?

Like some other creature, including ourselves, it’s a course of regular choice and endurance. So the mosquito has adjusted to endure worldwide showers of…




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