The benefit of a command economy

What is the difference between a command economy and a free-market economy?

3 min readJun 19, 2022

Advantages and Drawbacks of Command Economy

The benefit of a command economy

A command economy is one in which the means of production are controlled by a centralized government. When opposed to a free-market economy, where supply and demand determine output and pricing, this offers both advantages and downsides. Free-market economies have typically been identified with capitalism and democratic countries, whereas command economies have been associated with socialist/communist countries.

How to survive in economic crisis?

In reality, neither a free market nor a government-controlled economy exists. Rather, economies exist on a scale, with specific characteristics favoring one type over another. For example, in Europe, some important businesses may be owned and operated by the government, while in China, the communist government may own and run some critical…




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