I have notice some fake medium profiles
Read this
Beware and be alert and be vigilant with your notifications you received and comments you read and always search your profile if you have fake profiles of yours on medium.
There has been profiles created by using famous people sharing crypto links on comment section and to click them.
Here is some example of i have notice on my comment section below.
So i check the profile of the user and i found this below
As you can see this has no stories posted. Their are no followers and has used fake information to mislead good people on medium. Always when you see something giving wrong information dont forget to report the user and block them.
Keep them away from your profile and block them
So i wrote this story to share this information to keep alert of the good people who make use of medium.
One more thing always search your profile if you have fake profiles on your own name and report them to the medium support team.